Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Miss My Sweetheart.

Currently doing nothing.
I miss my Calven :(
He's out with his friend.
I took these few pictures to kill my boredom :]

This one look extremely horrible.

His message isn't here yet.
Wait wait.

Blurb blurb.

Heee~ ;)
I'm bored :[

The wait is making me crazy!! >n<

All these pictures are terribly horrible
because my sister is around.
I'm very scared she'll tease me :P

And by the way, I'll update about the
lovely Genting Highlands Trip
with him and my schoolmates
next time!
It's extremely fun and I can't get over it even until now :(

Some pictures of me and him are taken by Yong Leong.

Yes we're the sweetest in the world.
None can deny the fact  <3

Tatas :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Those Words Do Not Make You Attractive.

On Wednesday morning,
I went 1P class to borrow some Living Skills textbook.
While walking back to class I saw a girl running and 
accidentally bang on others.

What really, really shocked me is
the 'victim' said
right away.

Like what?
People don't do that purposely!
What was that word for?
No it doesn't make you an interesting person.
It only gives people a very, extremely bad impression.

And some people , especially girls
in either Facebook or Twitter or any other social networks.
They use vulgar words like its a daily thing to do.
People understand your anger.
But those words are not used to express your stupid feelings.
You might think it's cool.
But it's hell not to a lot other people.

Your attitude ruin your beauty.
It's not just a quote, but hell yeah it's true!
I've seen so many examples.
I'll give you some names if you want to, lol joking.

So seriously,
be a girl, a real decent girl.
No one likes the punks okay?
You're not attracting anyone with that way.

Goodbye for today.
Good luck to everyone in their exams!! :)

Examination Shocks

My school started exam on 20th May.
It was Bahasa Malaysia on first.

Well, it's quite...easy?
But no way I'll get A.

it'll be English, Arts and Civics tomorrow!
Like my friend said.
Who studies these subjects?

Wish me luck for my exam people!! :D

Oh yeah.
It's my cousin's wedding today.
Wish them to stay happy forever :)

See ya readers :)

I apologize that there's no picture in this post!
I do not want to leave my blog un-updated for too long!! :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


My school had this event..
Career Open Day 2011
on last Friday which is on 13th May.

It was so fun.
Made me think of my future a lot.

I was undecided at first.
I took all the booklets as much as I can.
Yesh, greedy me.

Well yeah..
after some looking,
I decided to take fashion designing courses.
Or maybe graphic design? :)
All thanks to Chok Yan.
I didn't have any confidence about joining these courses
'til I see her filling up the forms excitedly :]

Here's some snapshots of the courses' activity in the booklets.

I have all my fashion designing booklets here :P

Anime guy. He's so hot, haha!!
Too bad the picture's blur!

All these picture above..
is what they're learning to do in Graphic Designing courses!
Amazing eh? :)

Wanna see the student's 'before and after'?

Check these two books out.
Cool niah :P

That's it for today.
Baii baii.
Teehee :]

Just Shut Up, For God's Sake.

You had your homework done so fast?
Yiipee, good for you.
Is it necessary to talk out loud informing the whole world?
What are you expecting from others after infroming?
Medal? Prize? Hugs? Or maybe kisses?

Nuh uh.
You have none.

By the way,
Really hope you stop being so competitive.
If comparing is needed,
don't look for an idiot like me.
There's someone else for you in this world.

And seriously.
Don't you dare cry if you get low grades.
Did you study hard?
You don't pay attention to teachers in class.
You even sleep sometimes!
You even find chances to skip classes.
So, stop complaining.
It's hard to trust you sometimes, too!

Anyway, I know you talk bad about me.
But it's okay.
The worst is that
you even talk bad about your own best friend sometimes!
(unless you never did consider her a bast friend.)
Complain in her face if you even dare, stupid.

You know I'm talking to you when you read this,
So, change.
This year is your important year.
Ignore it or you fail in your life.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Take A Look!

Slept at 1.30am on Friday :]
Maxine helped me to tie my hair
'coz she doesn't wanna sleep early that day.
Here goes some pictures!

Look at Maxine and my hair x)

Halfway there :)

And wanna know how I looked like at last?

Wait for it..
Wait for it..
Almost there...

I know I looked extremely *toot*.
But still it's fun to tie my hair into different styles!
Don't you think?
Hehe :]

By the way,

What do you think of this bun?
I know it looks a bit loosen up
but don't you think the flower clip is
so nice and glow-ish? xD

goodbye for now :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Love 3S Of 2011

 Yes you heard me.
I love my class.
They are all awesome people.

Seriously I can't imagine going to another class next year.
It's like none of them are going to the arts class!
I feel so separated <3

On the left: Kher Xhing.
Right: Jia Wun.
Don't they look cute? ;]

Dashyat-nye Pramu <3

It's Rakesh, yo!

Our new assistant monitor, Anjana :D

Adriana and Gaby :D

Yes, this is Seng Hou.
Looks cool, am I right? :]

 Haha! Look at how Seng Hou daydream! x)

From the left: Sherry, Kher Xhing, Jia Wun,
Wai Yuen, Seng Hou & Gaby.

My besties! <3
Chok Yan and Pramu.

Practicing their dance.
Look at Gaby! :D

Didn't expect anyone to capture this,
did 'cha? :D

Lastly, this is me :D

5th May was Jia Wun's birthday.

That's it for today.
Baii baii :)

Complaints And Loves

I hate it when..
# you get angry at me so easily.
# you misunderstand me so simply.
# you get so emotional over arguments.
# you ignore me.
# you bring up the pass.
# you list down my pass mistakes while I complain about yours.
# talk alone with some girls.
# talk with your ex.
# give me so few space.
# you don't trust me.
# you're doubting me.
# you trusting words more than feelings.
# you're impatient towards my reply in texting or online chatting.
# you stop texting me for so long.

But thanks for your willingness
to change some of your bad habits.
I love you sweetie :)

I love it when..
# you whisper into my ear and say you love me.
# you look me in the eyes.
# you hold my hands without me expecting it.
# you give me your jacket & hug me when I feel cold.
# you hug me from my back.
# you kiss my forehead, lips, neck and cheek.
# you take care of me.
# you talk about our future.
# you say we're gonna get married and call me your wife.
# you keep your promises.
# you say you'll study hard and give me a good life in future.
# you kiss me or hug me in a sudden if you find a chance.
# you're satisfied with yourself because you're amazing just the way you are <3

If you ever ask me to marry you...
oh baby, 
'yes, I do.'
is my answer <3 <3 <3

Monday, May 2, 2011


Anyone know how to put proper Twitter widget on blog??
I mean,
look at mine!
It's so blank.
Maybe the html code's wrong?


Thanks :D

Listen Up, Girls!

Another guy being dumped, again?
Last few weeks he was following a girl like a lost puppy.
Yes that certain beauty treated him good, perhaps too good?

It gives him hope about being with her.
Gives him courage to tell her his feelings.

Few months after,
that guy confessed.
Sadly she rejected him.
He still looked fine after that
but who knows if he's crashing deep down?

Look girls,
if you're having a mean to flirt with guys
even though you don't have ant lovey-dovey feelings for them,
please don't do so,
like seriously.

Guys have feelings too.
Its just that they don't show how they feel like girls.
So this doesn't make them any heartless freaks,
right? :P

I'm not saying this because I'm jealous.
I already have my Mr Perfect.
He's way better than any other guys.
Always the best for me <3
I'm just giving some notice :)

this post ain't based on anyone.
No worries about me talking to you.

Just Doing Some Wondering.

I've seen people going to toilet
for like a thousand times a day
during school hours.

Just wondering..
What do they do there?
There's nothing interesting but some stinking smell.

No way they go there for doing business
'cause they're back way too fast!

anyone knows why?

(Man, this is such a crappy post.)

My Class's Performance On 2nd day of English Week.

School organised English Week at 26th & 27th April.
Well It's not as bad as last year :)
Maybe because my whole class took part in something?

Our class had practice for a month
for this sketch.
 We call it parody of Alice in Wonderland (?)

Here's some pictures of
our performing and backstage condition
during the event!

 Beside me is the obvious beauty, ChokYan <3
She's fairy #2!
 Adriana in "his" carriage :)
Adriana and Izzah.
 "You may give your vows."
 The king & I, the queen.
Don't forget the newspaper baby, LOL.
 Silky and smooth long hair.
No it's not Rapunzel's, Prince.
 At last Bob and witch got married.
Awww :]
 Bob's ex-wife is feeling sad.
But she wishes them for the best :)
Song played- Forget You.
 Izzah and Hazel.
Khai Boon and Anjana. 
 Was trying to take the picture of the backstage.
But Seng Hou stole the spotlight.

For more pictures about English Week,
you may check..

All of this ended so fast.
Anyway, how's our sketch?
Good? :]

Thanks everyone for doing something for this sketch :D
And THANK YOU MR ANTHONY for the tiny notebook you gave us!