Sunday, April 15, 2012

I Love Them, Like Family.

Wednesday, 11th of April was a holiday for some reason that I'm too lazy to care about. I went out to eat with my classmates of 2011! I was really looking forward to it, I mean who wouldn't like to go to BBQ Steamboat Buffet Restaurant?

*The pictures above wasn't taken by me. Credits to the owner.

Anyone feeling hungry already? Well I am. Anyway continuing...

What were we looking at?
Credits to ADRIANA.

Yeahh..I'm hungry now after seeing all these pictures! I had a really great time with them. Thanks Adriana for hosting this event! :) Hope we have another outing like this again. That's all for now, ciao. :)

Draw My Thing


This is just a random post. I've been playing a very nice game with my darling these few weekends. I'm just here to share some pictures. :D

That's all for this post. Next one coming up in a while, let's just hope I won't be a lazybone to update my things. See you!

No One?

Saw this in Facebook today. Seriously, how does this happen? :P

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sports Day 2012

Heyy. It's been a month since I updated my blog, right? I didn't have much to update about, and I was lazy..once again. It was Sports Day right about a week ago. Honestly? This is the worst Sports Day I ever had. Reasons? I guess everyone knows, unless you're not from my school, you'll find out later on anyway. I'll just update the pictures.



 Primary Blue House..right?

 Primary Green House. 

 Primary Red House.

 Primary Yellow House.

 Secondary Blue House.

 Secondary Green House.

 And lastly, RED HOUSE. Damn I'm proud. :D

 It's Mr Ho.

 Wai Mun. :)

 Marching back to our places.


 I have no idea what is this dragon head for.





 The longer you look, the funnier it gets.





Now I shall explain why the hell this Sports Day sucks big time. I lost my coupon for food and drinks that day, they offered such nice food and drinks! Guess what? At last I found it in my bag. And secondly, RED DIDN'T WIN. Many of us cried. We were winning, this was such a sudden defeat. Green House must've got the best victory in history. Congratulations. That's all for this stupid event. Ohh wait...


This is one of the best part of Sports Day!

After that, I went to have sushi with him and few of his friends. Take a look at my food. I loved it, but you know what, it's too expensive for one bowl of unagi. After eating, I went for training with him. :)



 His pose his pose OMG. :P

I looked super sweaty. Eww.

Monkey style by Lauren.

That's all folks. See you soon. :)