Thursday, November 3, 2011


Okay fine, even though I said I don't want to update my blog today, I'm still gonna update. It's such a waste not to update. Today is so packed up with events! This post is gonna be a boring post since I have no pictures! I didn't have a camera! No blaming :P

In the morning, we had P.E. class. Mr Ho brought us out of the school for jogging. It's kinda fun. We didn't really jog far... I wasn't really tired actually. The weather was just refreshing. Right time to have a jog. Mr Ho brought us to a playground. I have to admit, it's like one of the best playground I've been to. There's one extremely big bar metal thing, no idea how to call it, well, my classmates and I had fun climbing it like monkeys while Mr Ho went to a bakery shop to have a "pee". As I expected, when he came out, he brought cream puffs for us to eat. Man I can predict future B-)

After that is already straight away inter-house games. My hubby has his badminton guy's double match with green house. No need to ask, I'm obviously supporting him. I was nervous until I can't breathe sometimes! I was afraid he won't win. (Sorry if you think I ain't having enough faith in your skills baby, but that's just not it.) The opponents have won 1 round, that's what made me die. At last, my darling has his happy ending, you get what I mean.

Break was here, and my class had a plan to have a thanksgiving event for the teachers, all of them. We all payed Adriana to buy two cakes. Those cakes looks extremely delicious, I wished to try the blueberry cake but we have to leave some for teachers. Oh well. Teachers appreciate what we did for them, they seemed happy with the cakes. Must be tasting nice ;)

After break and lunch, is netball match for lower form, Red vs Blue & Red vs Green respectively. So unfair, this obviously will make our players tired! But no choice, that certain stupid teacher had made the schedule. I'm not gonna talk about this much. Blue lost to us. This Red vs Blue game really pissed many. The pathetic rules are making them to have fouls every 5 seconds, EXACTLY 5 seconds. Me and Ad counted. At last they changed the rule a bit which made things easier. For Red vs Green match, we lost, SAD! why must we always lose to green? Aiya. I admit, they're all good players. And don't get angry if I say this, they play rough and referee can never see their fouls. Case close, if you're unhappy you can be angry and scold me, I can't hear you ;)

Lastly, I never stop having a feeling that he was avoiding me today. Not gonna tell why, I'm too lazy to explain. But he apologized and explained things to me already so everything is solved! :) So glad ;)

That's all folks. Till the next time.

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