Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Celebration.

What comes to your mind when you heard of Halloween? Horror? Blood? Or just anything scary? Haha, it just reminds me of costumes. Interesting eh? :P

I celebrated my 1st Halloween last Saturday. I never thought I could actually celebrate it in Malaysia. Good thing someone who lives in my neighborhood organised this in my neighborhood! Uhm but I'm not wearing the costumes, probably too old for Trick Or Treat!

I forgot to mention, last time when I went Sunway Pyramid, we also search for Halloween costumes for both Lauren and Brian, my cousin. That shop is just amazing. I fell in love with the Masquerade masks they have. I asked Lauren to try, too bad it's too big for her. Finally, we decided that Lauren should be a devil, and Brian, a pilot.

Yesterday we prepared Lauren's costume. Mum just bought few cloths and ask us to make it a devil costume ourselves. Well we didn't exactly do it ourselves, what if things go wrong? At last mummy and daddy are the ones who did for her :)

So yeah, we were kinda busy. But I feel kinda fun helping with the costumes. And it's easier than I thought to make the costume!! Wondering about my cousin's costume?

Voila, that's him! Doesn't look like a pirate? He changed his mind. He wants to become a vampire. So the Pirate Hat we bought was a little bit of a waste. Anyway, both of them are not gonna be THIS plain. Time for some face pain and make ups!

 Baby Darien <3

If you say the blood doesn't really look real.. Well It will be after that.

Costumes and make up done!

Scary? :)

Now it's the time for Trick And Treating.

Check out the decorations for Halloween!

We went many places to get candies. Perhaps Halloween celebration here is bit special because some don't give sweets, instead, they give staionaries! 

I don't know this girl but I find her quite cute! Her costume is fairy!

See some other costumes? :)

I look like a cat, somehow, in my opinion.

Lauren's candy collection for the day.
The green one is a pen.


 CUTE! Wait till you see the brother.

This is her brother. Nice ehh.

Now is time for games! 

 1st game, Wrap The Mummy, with tissue paper.

Obviously, this is the winner!
It's the neatest, and he got wrapped the most!

2nd game. Well I don't know the name exactly but, let's just call it The Balloon Game shall we?

 Whichever pair's the fastest, wins.
These two are the winners.

Third and the last game, Pass The Pumpkin.
The rules are easy, pass the pumpkin given and make sure the pumpkin isn't on your hands when the music stops. If not you're disqualified.

Oh yes, finally someone in my family joined. Brian's too scared to join. Oh well, boys. They're all afraid of losing and losing face. At last Lauren didn't win, she ALMOST did. To get prize she must be one of the top 3s. She was top 4. Ah, just too bad for her. I was as nervous as her when she was playing :P

It's time to giving Best Costume Prize!

One of the winner was...

Yes my sister. I feel bad Brian didn't win, but he looked nice as well!

Me and baby cousin. He took my specs away, naughty boy!

You see all these remaining candies? We didn't get it from other people. Mum bought it so other kids who goes Trick And Treating can come to our house and get some. Just too sadly, no one actually came! Everyone was at the other neighborhood to celebrate. No worries, I'll swap all these candies in no time. By then, I would be the fattest in the world! Trololololo.

The celebration was exciting. Hope there's still one next year. Okay that's all. If you want to see more pictures of Halloween, I might put it in Facebook in another few days. Or maybe you can go to Maxine's blog. Just click on the highlighted words. Goodbye!

:: You're that angel that God has sent to me, to transform my life into a beauty. ::

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